
  • 故事发生在一条名为“海神号”的豪华游轮之上,灯火辉煌的大厅之中,衣着华丽的旅客们怀着激动的心情,等待着新年…
  • 这是斯坦利·库布里克的第一部故事片。剧本出自他的高中同学、诗人Howard Sackler之手,拍摄资金也是库布里克自己…
  • 本片探讨了民俗恐怖这一主题,以迈克尔·里夫斯的《驱魔降邪》(1968)、皮尔斯·哈格德的《撒旦之鸦》(1971)…
  •   A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the milit…
  • Middle-aged Max and Sara meet and fall for each other in Palm Springs, but their love story is cut short d…
  • 拍摄外星人入侵题材的电影无外乎从两方面入手:要么笔调轻快,要么手法沉重。其中并无捷径可寻,也不可能草草绕过…
  • An anthology film based around demons, specifically Legion.
  • After years on the run, the mystery man known as Trick is back, but not on his own terms. Trick finds hims…
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